Preschool through Grade 3The Bully Program This program includes a video “How I Learned Not to be Bullied” and/or a Puppet Show. Children learn how to identify different types of bully behavior and how to deal with a bully. Personal Safety Program This program includes the video “What TaDoo”. Children learn the difference between safe and unsafe touches, what are confusing touches, what to do if someone gives them an unsafe touch, safety plans, and where to go with a problem. Grades 4 and 5The Bully Program This program includes the video “Bullies and How to Help Them”. Students learn the different types of bully behavior, how to deal with a bully, and the difference between healthy and unhealthy choices. Personal Safety Program The program includes the video “Feeling Yes/Feeling No!” Students learn what are “yes” feelings and what are “no” feelings, what to do if someone gives you a “no” feeling, safety planning, and who can be your support system. Grade 6Communication Skills This program includes the video “Learning Relationship Skills”. Students learn tips for good communication and roadblocks in communication. Grade 7School Violence This program includes the video “Real People: Preventing Student Violence.” Students learn how bullies make schools unsafe, warning signs of school violence, and reporting school violence safely. Sexual Harassment This program involves group input and discussion. Students learn the difference between flirting and sexual harassment, effective ways of communicating – what is tolerable behavior, warning signs of sexual harassment, and how to set personal boundaries. Grade 8Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships This program involves group input and discussion. Students will learn the different types of relationships, expectations in a relationship, and how relationships affect us. MVP Group (Male Violence Prevention Group) This is an eight week program for students ages 9-16 that are at risk to perpetrate domestic violence or sexual assault. Students will learn anger management skills, how to set personal boundaries, and effective communication skills. High School and CollegeDating Violence This program includes the video “In Love and In Danger”. Students will learn what is dating violence, warning signs, the cycle of violence, communication skills, and what to do if you are abused. Date Rape The program includes a video “Playing the Game”. Students learn what date rape is, the difference between rape, date rape, and statutory rape, about the different date rape drugs, medical and legal response to rape victims, myths and facts concerning date rape, and warning signs of an unhealthy relationship. MVP Group (Male Violence Prevention Group) This is an eight week program for students ages 9-16 that are at risk to perpetrate domestic violence or sexual assault. Students will learn anger management skills, effective communication skills, gender stereotypes, kinds of relationship violence, and how to effect healthy relationships. |