Haven Can Help. If you are or have been physically, sexually or emotionally abused, Safe Haven can offer you safety, shelter, counseling, and support. Crisis Services24 hour hot lines. (We do not subscribe to caller ID.) Up to 60 days of emergency shelter for women and their children. Child advocacy. Assistance in application for a Temporary Restraining Order. Individual and peer group counseling. Criminal court advocacy. Information and referral.
On Going ServicesSafe Haven is a community of individuals who are guided by the belief that by working together, we can inspire change, one life at a time. On going supportive services include: Weekly support group for domestic violence victims. Recovery groups for survivors of sexual assault and their families. These groups are for victims of sexual assault, child sexual abuse, incest and sexual harassment – even if the assault happened a long time ago. 12 week self-esteem group. D.O.V.E. (Devloping Options for Victim’s Education) informational program for clients referred by the courts or DCF. Individual and group counseling for women, children, teens, men and parents. Victim advocacy with police, courts, hospitals and social service agencies. Educational presentations for all ages in schools, business and community groups etc. TTY access available during office hours (M-F 8:30-4:00) at 203-753-3613TTY. After hours we use CT relay at 800-842-9710. All services are free and confidential. Spanish bilingual/bicultural staff. |